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Reboot X to the have launchers back ?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 9:34 am
by jackyjoy123

I migrated recently from gnome to lxde, but unfortunately I'm facing a weird problem that I can't solve.
I wanted to make my desktop looks like the gnome I had, so I created a panel at placed it in top.
Then I filled that panel with launchers of my favourite applications, all worked very good.. No problems !
But then, I noticed that every time I start up my system (Gentoo Linux) I see the top panel I created but it's empty it doesn't contain any launcher (guess what, when I right click and choose preferences I can see my launchers list -_-") and then I must reboot X to get my launchers back.
I can't continue working on lxde with that issue, I can't reboot my X after startup everytime I want to go on the internet


Re: Reboot X to the have launchers back ?

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:23 am
by JamieOhara321
You can try adding a delay to the panel's startup by adding a sleep command in your autostart configuration file. For example,fnf you can add the following line at the beginning of your autostart file:

Code: Select all

@sleep 5 && lxpanel --profile LXDE

Re: Reboot X to the have launchers back ?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:16 pm
by Djremix9Quokka
It seems like you are encountering an issue with LXDE not properly loading your panel launchers at startup. There are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve this issue:

Check Autostart Configuration: Ensure that the LXDE autostart configuration is set up correctly to launch the panel with your desired launchers. The autostart configuration file is usually located at ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart. Open the file and make sure it includes the necessary commands to start your panel with launchers.

Example of autostart file:

@lxpanel --profile LXDE
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE

Delay the Launch: It's possible that the panel is trying to load before the desktop environment is fully initialized. You can try adding a delay to the autostart script. For example:
@sleep 5 && lxpanel --profile LXDE

Check for Error Messages: Look for error messages in system logs that might provide information about why the launchers are not loading properly. You can check logs using commands like:

journalctl -xe

Use LXDE's GUI Tools: Instead of manually editing configuration files, try using LXDE's GUI tools to create and manage panels and launchers. You can use lxpanelctlto control LXPanel from the command line.

Update LXDE: Ensure that you are using the latest version of LXDE. Update your system to the latest packages to make sure you have any potential bug fixes.

Alternative Panel: Consider using an alternative panel for LXDE, such as tint2or fbpanel, to see if the issue persists with a different panel.

Community Forums: Check the Gentoo Linux forums or LXDE forums for similar issues or solutions. Others in the community may have encountered and resolved similar problems.

Remember to backup any configuration files before making changes so you can easily revert if needed. If the issue persists, you may need to seek help from the LXDE community or the Gentoo Linux community for more specific assistance based on the current state of your system.