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Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:31 am
by smalltaro

Re: LXDE的介面語言是可以切換的嗎?

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:33 pm
by Rex Bouwense
Please excuse my translation. I am not a Chinese speaker so I must use Google translate. It is possible to have more than one language. I assume that already have the Chinese language pack installed. In the LXPanel there is a country flag or a country code. You must right click the icon and choose "keyboard layout handler" settings. In the new window, remove the check mark from "keep system layouts". Then select add on the left side of the window. Select the language that you want to add from the new pop-up window, which in your case is Chinese, and then select OK. The next step is to move Chinese to the top of the list of languages and re-select "keep system layouts". Close the window. You must reboot the computer for the change to take effect.

請原諒我的翻譯。 我不是中國人,所以我必須使用谷歌翻譯。 可以有多種語言。 我假設已經安裝了中文語言包。 在LXPanel中有國旗或國家代碼。 您必須右鍵單擊該圖標並選擇“鍵盤佈局處理程序”設置。 在新窗口中,從“保留系統佈局”中刪除複選標記。 然後在窗口的左側選擇添加。 從新的彈出窗口中選擇要添加的語言,您的情況是中文,然後選擇確定。 下一步是將中文移到語言列表的頂部,並重新選擇“保持系統佈局”。 關閉窗口。 您必須重新啟動計算機才能使更改生效。