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Changing LXDE keyboard indicator images

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 5:23 pm
by inkor
Where is the folder with images of keyboard indcator? And how can i change it?


Re: Changing LXDE keyboard indicator images

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:47 pm
by omer
Hi, fellow LXDE user here. I've found that the default images are located in /usr/share/lxpanel/images
The ones that you need are 24x24 .png's called capslock-off.png, capslock-on.png, numlock-off.png, numlock-on.png, scrllock-off.png, scrllock-on.png.
Though I would replace them with my own images only as a last resort, as there should be a way to customize the look of the applet by editing ~/.config/lxpanel/LXDE/panels/panel. Look for a plugin with the type "kbled". Maybe someone points you toward the right setting name.

Re: Changing LXDE keyboard indicator images

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:12 am
by rufwoof
Didn't even know there was that option.

Mine doesn't seem to work well however. But I'm running Debian Jessie stable so a older version of LXDE (lxpanel 0.7.2 that I guess Debian perhaps might have updated ???). Works fine with one session, but I run two users, one for internet (restricted session, no su/sudo, restricted access to other folders etc.) and a main user (that can su etc. and where docs are stored). When I Ctrl-Alt-Fn between them the numlock doesn't correctly reflect the keyboards actual settings (panel icon is off despite keypad numlock light being on).