4 PCmanFM Questions, and 1 General LXDE Question

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4 PCmanFM Questions, and 1 General LXDE Question

Post by oOarthurOo »

1. Is it possible to remove the status bar of pcmanfm? I am on a netbook, and every vertical pixel counts!
2. Trash cannot be opened, though it is displayed. I have failed to install something?
3. When no removable media are plugged in, I see usb0 in file manager, which seems to look like my / folder, however it says it is at media/usb0. Where is this from and how to remove?
4. pcmanfm 0.9.7, however new removable media are not automounted. I also presume I am missing having installed something?
5. What is best distro for lxde, what do devs use? I ask because Debian Sid seems to not yet have new lxappearance, and I distrust myself building packages myself, preferring to use package manager.

Best wishes,