Why not FLTK?

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Why not FLTK?

Post by DDZ »


In the PCMANFM QT 0.1.0 RELEASED post, PCMan wrote:
I, however, need to admit that working with Qt/C++ is much more pleasant and productive than messing with C/GObject/GTK+.
Since GTK+ 3 breaks backward compatibility a lot and it becomes more memory hungry and slower, I don’t see much advantage of GTK+ now. GTK+ 2 is lighter, but it’s no longer true for GTK+ 3. Ironically, fixing all of the broken compatibility is even harder than porting to Qt in some cases (PCManFM IMO is one of them).
So If someone is starting a whole new project and is thinking about what GUI toolkit to use, personally I might recommend Qt if you’re not targeting Gnome 3.
Update 2013-03-27:
I got some feedback about the toolkit choice above. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that gtk+ is bad and did not intend to start a toolkit flame war. If you’re going to use python, C#, or other scripting language, gtk+ is still a good choice due to its mature language bindings.
Vala is attractive initially, but after trying it in real development, you’ll see the shortcomings of this approach. Because it sometimes generates incorrect C code that still compiles, we got some really hard-to-find bugs. So we need to examine the generated C code to make sure it does things right. This takes much more time than just writing plain C code myself. Besides, the generated C code is not quite human-readable and debugging becomes a problem. Another issue that’ll hit you is the problems in the library bindings. Though there exists many vala bindings for various C library, their quality is uncertain. Finally, debugging, examing, and fixing the bindings all the time takes even more time and offsets the time saved by using Vala.
To sum up, for compiled binary programs, Qt IMHO is a good choice to consider if you don’t hate C++.
Soon, GTK2 will die definitively, so why not use FLTK toolkit?
Thank you for your answer! :)
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Rex Bouwense
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Re: Why not FLTK?

Post by Rex Bouwense »

You are aware of course that posting comments here will probably not reach PCMan. You will have a better chance of some kind of response if you were to post on the blog that you quoted from. This forum is for problems or questions about LXDE. PCManFM is a critical component of the desktop but comments to the developer should probably be directed to him.

edit: Most of us on this forum are not developers so unfortunately your plea for a change will more than likely not get any action from this end.
Posts: 34
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:48 pm

Re: Why not FLTK?

Post by DDZ »

Rex Bouwense wrote:You are aware of course that posting comments here will probably not reach PCMan. You will have a better chance of some kind of response if you were to post on the blog that you quoted from. This forum is for problems or questions about LXDE. PCManFM is a critical component of the desktop but comments to the developer should probably be directed to him.

edit: Most of us on this forum are not developers so unfortunately your plea for a change will more than likely not get any action from this end.
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Thank you anyway! ;)
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