I'm a new contributor to LXDE and Lubuntu Team and I'd like to post my first HOWTO in this Forum.
As everyone may know, LXDE differs from other Desktop Environment in many things. It's very fast and easy to use. However, sometimes you need to do some "few simple steps" to achieve what you are looking for. Myself and others users may notice that Lubuntu 11.04, by default, does NOT have any Shortcut or Menu Entry to Lock The Screen. Those who have used or still using GNOME, they know that could be done very easily with "Keyboard Shortcut" which is installed by default, say Ubuntu 11.04.
Please, don't blame LXDE or Lubuntu for not making this "simple" feature to work Out-Of-The Box. NOTHING is perfect, period.
Yes, it's true that in MS Windows, you can simply Press "Window Logo + L" to Lock the Screen but Linux is not Windows. With Linux, you can do that yourself or perhaps someone else have done it for you. In Lubuntu 11.04, you need to do it yourself.
Again, please don't consider this as a disadvantage.
Ok, so all what you need to do is:
1- Accessories > LXTerminal
Code: Select all
gksudo leafpad /usr/share/applications/lubuntu-screenlock.desktop
Code: Select all
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Lock your screen
Exec=xscreensaver-command -lock
4- Change the value of "NoDisplay" to false.
5- Add these two lines:
Your lubuntu-screenlock.desktop file will look like:
Code: Select all
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Lock your screen
Exec=xscreensaver-command -lock
7- Right Click on the LXPanel then Add/Remove Panel Items
8- Click "Add"
Then "Application Launch Bar"
9- Double-Click on the new added "Application Launch Bar" > Preferences > Add: ScreenLock > Close > Close
10- Now, you can "simply" click on the ScreenLock Icon next to your "Shutdown" on your LXPanel.
Enjoy and Have Fun
Remember, the more contributor/supporter to LXDE and Lubuntu, the better these two projects will be. Don't forget to tell your friends about Lubuntu
Please, FEEL FREE to ask any question or post any suggestion and I'll do my best to get back to you ASAP.