Prevent creation of userdirs in home directory

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Prevent creation of userdirs in home directory

Post by eniel »


I have installed Lubuntu 14.04.
Since I don't want the default directories that are automatically created in my home directory (Documents/ Downloads/ Music/ Pictures/ Public/ Templates/ Videos/) I have deleted those directories and changed the configuration file
/etc/xdg/user-dirs.conf setting enabled=False.

This works fine for the directories Documents/ Downloads/ Music/ Pictures/ Public/ Videos/ but Templates/ is recreated every time I log out and log in again.

I still can change the name of the templates file by setting XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR in $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs. So as a workaround I can set XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR="$HOME" or XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR="$HOME/.Templates". But I find it strange that Templates/ is recreated despite the fact that I explicidly configured the system not to do so.

Then I removed the packages that create those directories with:
apt-get purge xdg-user-dirs xdg-user-dirs-gtk
but the templates directory is still created with the name from XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR as set in $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dir

Then I tried out what happens when I remove the files $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs and $HOME/.config/user-dirs.locale.

It turns out that the templates directory is still recreated now again with the name Templates/.

Clearly this directory is created by some setting in lubuntu, but I have been unable to find this.
Does someone know where/how this is configured?