Release notes for next LXTerminal release

LXTerminal is the standard terminal emulator of LXDE -
Marty Jack
Posts: 381
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:14 am

Release notes for next LXTerminal release

Post by Marty Jack »

A heavy rework of LXTerminal has been checked into git. There are numerous string changes, so this will not go to a tarball release until we are confident the changes are stable and the strings have been translated. While we believe the product is completely functional, you should treat this as beta software.

Changed features

-e and --command now consume arguments to the end of the line (--command= is unchanged). This improves compatibility with other terminal emulators.

Bugs fixed

2973537: Failure to either connect or bind to the communication socket now handled gracefully; the LXTerminal will run standalone
2933091: Failed to properly check for dependencies, resulting in build failure rather than configure failure
Terminal failed to resize when font changed from larger to smaller
Failed to honor --working-directory with --command

New features

Configuration changes now apply immediately rather than when the configuration dialog is closed
User preference for cursor shape. You can select Block or Underline.
User preference to enable audible bell.
2977944: User preference to disallow bold terminal font.
2842542: User preference to hide the Close button on tabs. If enabled, you can close tabs using the menu.
2842542: Middle click on tab closes it. This is consistent with other applications such as Firefox.
2845142: User specified tab labels. The "Name Tab" menu item brings up a dialog in which you can edit the name of the tab.