What is the project structure of Lxde / Lxqt nowadays?

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What is the project structure of Lxde / Lxqt nowadays?

Post by DrTobbe »

Hi all,

I have been playing around with Lxde and Lxqt for a while now but I am still a little bit confused about how the project structure looks like and where is the best point to start contributing.

For example, I would like to know who is responsible for the website(s) (lxde.org and lxqt.org) and the wiki on wiki.lxde.org. These two websites, are they managed by the same persons or are they two completely different, independent ones? Is the Lxde-Wiki also meant to hold information about Lxqt or will there be an own Wiki for Lxqt? If so, when will it start? And the forum, is it meant for Lxqt, too? Furthermore, what about the sourceforge and github pages? Is the sourceforge page for Lxde and the github page for Lxqt? And finally, what happened to the razor-qt people? Is the razor-qt project abandoned now completely (the website still exists)? Are all the razor-qt people now contributing on Lxqt?

Many questions, many confusion. I hope, that someone can clarify what is going on at the moment. Thank you.
Rex Bouwense
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Re: What is the project structure of Lxde / Lxqt nowadays?

Post by Rex Bouwense »

Some interesting questions. First, let me say that I am not an expert here and I can only tell you what I have read. An excellent source of information would be #lxde on IRC. I do know that LXQT and QT razor have sort of combined their efforts and eventually there will be a combination of LXDE and LXQT (more than likely). I do not see that in the near future and there may always be an LXDE.
The LXDE development team is not large and the wiki operates on the same server as this forum. We have had several questions concerning LXQT on this forum but there is not a great deal of experience here. If you want to get involved, I would raise the issue on the IRC channel and I am sure that you will be directed to an appropriate contact where you can be involved as much or as little as you would like.
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Re: What is the project structure of Lxde / Lxqt nowadays?

Post by DrTobbe »

Hi Rex,

thanks for your fast answer. But in the end, that's what I'm talking about: It seems to me that the project structure is quite fragmented. You are forum admin and you do not know exactly what is going on in the project. Uhm ... I will stick to your advice and consult the Irc channel. In case that I can find out more, I will let you all know.
Rex Bouwense
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Re: What is the project structure of Lxde / Lxqt nowadays?

Post by Rex Bouwense »

No, I am frightfully ignorant of the internal goings on in the LXQT project. The fact that the LXQT project and the Razor-QT project merged is quite unusual. Normally we have forks in the Linux community but here we have a merger. There probably will be another merger at some time in the future with the LXQT and LXDE teams.