Hello there! A new member wants to join this Community and also want to learn from here.

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Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:19 am

Hello there! A new member wants to join this Community and also want to learn from here.

Post by daviddavviid »

Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum and very excited to be a part of the LXDE community. I have always had an interest in lightweight desktop environments; and LXDE seems like the perfect fit. I am looking forward to learning more about it, exploring its features and sharing experiences with all of you.

I have heard great things about this community and I am sure I’ll learn a lot from your tips and discussions. If anyone has suggestions for a beginner like me or resources to get started; I would really appreciate it...! :D

I am eager to connect, contribute; and be part of this awesome group. Thanks in advance for the warm welcome. Can’t wait to get started on my LXDE journey with all of you.....! :D

Best regards,

Posts: 42
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:02 pm

Re: Hello there! A new member wants to join this Community and also want to learn from here.

Post by Ziggi »

See my other topics on this forum ;)

Dubbed "The People's Distro," :P
"What sets Loc-OS apart is its commitment to resource efficiency. In a world where software bloat is all too common, Loc-OS remains dedicated to providing a full-featured yet frugal alternative. It's a distro that doesn't just keep up with its Debian base—it strives to outpace it in terms of performance on limited hardware."
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/loc-os-l ... uade-znege

It is so easy to install and gives you a choice of browser to install or no browser!
And yes it does outpace Debian :geek: I tested it on full install NOT VM 8-)
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