[Solved] How can I make sure (in the config files) that pcmanfm does not attempt to mount anything

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Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2024 1:07 am

[Solved] How can I make sure (in the config files) that pcmanfm does not attempt to mount anything

Post by Moon-Moon »


I updated to LXDE 0.99.2 (pcmanfm 1.3.2) today, which broke my LXDE for my main non-root user (the account I usually use). I have always started LXDE with startx, where ~/.xinitrc specifies

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exec startlxde
Actual outcome

pcmanfm now attempts to mount all devices defined in /etc/fstab, including the ones with option noauto, when I start LXDE (with startlxde). This includes cifs devices that are not even reachable. But more importantly, it attempts to read passwords (which ís absurd and not possible in this setting) and for this blocks all input devices.

Expected/Desired outcome

I just want it to stop trying to mount anything. There is no reason in hell why LXDE or pcmanfm should interfere with my volumes.
I want to accomplish this directly in the config files. Hopefully, I can then be sure that it never happens again.

Attempts at solving this

Here is where things start to get very weird.

I tried:
  • Another user. Works fine.
  • A new user. Works fine.
  • Removing the files relating to LXDE and pcmanfm in ~/.config and ~/.cache. Changes nothing, does not work for my main user.
  • Additionally setting

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    in /etc/xdg/pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf. Changes nothing, does not work for my main user.
  • Hiding all config files for all applications for my main user, hoping that LXDE and pcmanfm will start with system defaults again. Changes nothing, does not work for my main user.
  • Copying the (automatically generated and working) config of the newly created user to my main user (and chmoding to set ownership correctly). Changes nothing, does not work for my main user.
  • Renaming the hostname (I thought my main user having the same name as the host name may be the reason). Changes nothing, does not work for my main user.
  • Starting openbox instead and running startlxde from a terminal in openbox. This time I get the password prompts and LXDE works again.
  • Restarting (Windows magic, should not be necessary on Linux); Indeed, changes nothing, does not work for my main user.
I don't understand how this can possibly happen. If it works for other users, it should work for my main user when I remove the config (or when I remove all configs for everything; actually all files). Since it does not, there has to be some other record that marks out my user so pcmanfm can annoy this user specifically. It's not the username being identical with the hostname or so, so it has to be saved in some file.

In the end, I'm not sure I care if any how pcmanfm can mark out my main user. I just want it to stop messing up my LXDE startup with attempting to mount volumes that are not there (or any volumes at all for that matter).

What it looks like:


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ps aux

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<username>     2738  0.0  0.0   3996  2440 tty1     S+   01:32   0:00 xinit /home/<username>/.xinitrc -- /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc :1 vt1 -keeptty -auth /tmp/serverauth.soH6kf9rqK
<username>     2739  0.2  0.4 356244 73712 tty1     Sl   01:32   0:00 /usr/lib/Xorg -nolisten tcp :1 vt1 -keeptty -auth /tmp/serverauth.soH6kf9rqK
root        2741  0.0  0.0   2476  1304 tty1     S    01:32   0:00 xf86-video-intel-backlight-helper intel_backlight
<username>     2744  0.0  0.1 330792 21560 tty1     Tl   01:32   0:00 /usr/bin/lxsession -s LXDE -e LXDE
<username>     2758  0.8  0.1 299992 26376 tty1     S    01:32   0:01 openbox --config-file /home/<username>/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml
<username>     2760  0.0  0.1 258728 19224 tty1     Tl   01:32   0:00 lxpolkit
<username>     2761  0.9  0.2 767912 48112 tty1     Tl   01:32   0:01 lxpanel --profile LXDE
<username>     2763  1.0  0.3 653940 58324 tty1     Tl   01:32   0:01 pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE
<username>     2764  0.0  0.0   4468  3332 tty1     T    01:32   0:00 xscreensaver -no-splash
<username>     2768  0.0  0.1 255760 17936 tty1     Tl   01:32   0:00 lxclipboard
<username>     2777  0.0  0.0   8220  1216 ?        Ss   01:32   0:00 /usr/bin/ssh-agent -s
<username>     2779  0.0  0.0 316332 14716 tty1     Tl   01:32   0:00 /usr/lib/geoclue-2.0/demos/agent
<username>    2835  0.0  0.0 229540 11844 ?        Sl   01:32   0:00 /usr/lib/menu-cache/menu-cached /run/user/1000/menu-cached-:1
root        3088  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    01:32   0:00 [kworker/u16:5-events_unbound]
root        3104  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    01:32   0:00 [kworker/0:3-events]
root        3123  0.0  0.0  13012  2772 tty1     T    01:32   0:00 mount /mnt/cifs
root        3124  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    01:32   0:00 [kworker/3:2-events]
root        3126  0.0  0.0   2548  1508 tty1     T    01:32   0:00 /usr/bin/mount.cifs //<IP>/<SHARE> /mnt/cifs -o rw,users,noexec,nosuid,nodev
<username>     3127  0.0  0.0   2548  1292 tty1     T    01:32   0:00 /usr/bin/mount.cifs //<IP>/<SHARE> /mnt/cifs -o rw,users,noexec,nosuid,nodev
root        3137  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    01:34   0:00 [kworker/2:2]


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//<IP>/<SHARE>	/mnt/smb	cifs		noauto,users	0 0


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** Message: 02:01:51.191: environement.vala:58: Exporting primary_variable
** Message: 02:01:51.191: environement.vala:59: desktop_environnement XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
** Message: 02:01:51.191: environement.vala:150: confir_dirs is null, export : /etc/xdg
** Message: 02:01:51.191: environement.vala:184: Exporting XDG_CONFIG_DIRS
** Message: 02:01:51.191: environement.vala:191: data_dirs is null, export : /usr/local/share:/usr/share:/usr/share/gdm:/var/lib/menu-xdg
** Message: 02:01:51.191: environement.vala:225: Exporting XDG_DATA_DIRS
** Message: 02:01:51.191: utils.vala:68: User config used : /home/<username>/.config/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf
** Message: 02:01:51.191: utils.vala:89: Final file used : /home/<username>/.config/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?iGtk/ColorScheme? in group ?GTK?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?windows_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?panel/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?dock/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?file_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?desktop_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?launcher_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?composite_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?im1/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?im2/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?widget1/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?notification/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?keybindings/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?im_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.192: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?screensaver/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?power_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?audio_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?workspace_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?screenshot_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?message_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?upgrade_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?updates_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?updates_manager/timeout? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?crash_manager/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?crash_manager/dev_mode? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?crash_manager/timeout? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?upstart_user_session? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?proxy_manager/http? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?a11y/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?xrandr/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?network_gui/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?webbrowser/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?email/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?pdf_reader/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?video_player/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?audio_player/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?image_display/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?text_editor/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?archive/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?charmap/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?calculator/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?spreadsheet/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?bittorent/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?document/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?webcam/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?burn/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?notes/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?disk_utility/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?tasks/command? in group ?Session?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have group ?Keymap?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?laptop_mode? in group ?State?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?gnome? in group ?Dbus?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?type? in group ?Environment?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?ubuntu_menuproxy? in group ?Environment?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?toolkit_integration? in group ?Environment?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?gtk/overlay_scrollbar_disable? in group ?Environment?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?qt/force_theme? in group ?Environment?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:540: Key file does not have key ?qt/platform? in group ?Environment?
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:462: Monitoring: /home/<username>/.config/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:466: Desktop file is already in config home, do nothing
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:373: Settings default for Session, windows_manager, command : openbox
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:373: Settings default for Session, windows_manager, session : LXDE
** Message: 02:01:51.193: settings.vala:373: Settings default for Session, launcher_manager, command : lxpanelctl
** Message: 02:01:51.193: environement.vala:79: Exporting variable
** Message: 02:01:51.193: environement.vala:80: desktop_environnement XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
** Message: 02:01:51.193: environement.vala:177: custom_config :
** Message: 02:01:51.193: environement.vala:178: config_dirs :/etc/xdg
** Message: 02:01:51.193: environement.vala:179: confir_dirs not null, export : /etc/xdg
** Message: 02:01:51.193: environement.vala:184: Exporting XDG_CONFIG_DIRS
** Message: 02:01:51.193: environement.vala:218: custom_data :
** Message: 02:01:51.193: environement.vala:219: data_dirs :/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/usr/share/gdm:/var/lib/menu-xdg
** Message: 02:01:51.193: environement.vala:220: data_dirs not null, export : /usr/local/share:/usr/share:/usr/share/gdm:/var/lib/menu-xdg
** Message: 02:01:51.193: environement.vala:225: Exporting XDG_DATA_DIRS
** Message: 02:01:51.193: utils.vala:68: User config used : /home/<username>/.config/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf
** Message: 02:01:51.193: utils.vala:89: Final file used : /home/<username>/.config/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf
** Message: 02:01:51.193: environement.vala:254: No entry in [Environment_variable]. Key file does not have group ?Environment_variable?
** Message: 02:01:51.194: utils.vala:79: Config system location : /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE
** Message: 02:01:51.195: utils.vala:85: System system path location : /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/conffiles.conf
** Message: 02:01:51.195: utils.vala:89: Final file used : /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/conffiles.conf
** Message: 02:01:51.195: options.vala:164: Activate xsettings_manager build-in
** Message: 02:01:51.195: utils.vala:68: User config used : /home/<username>/.config/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf
** Message: 02:01:51.195: utils.vala:89: Final file used : /home/<username>/.config/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf
xprop:  no such property "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS"
xprop:  no such property "_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES"
** Message: 02:01:51.203: app.vala:721: polkit separate
** Message: 02:01:51.203: app.vala:721: polkit separate
** Message: 02:01:51.205: app.vala:76: Launching lxpolkit 
** Message: 02:01:51.205: utils.vala:68: User config used : /home/<username>/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
** Message: 02:01:51.206: utils.vala:89: Final file used : /home/<username>/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
** Message: 02:01:51.206: autostart.vala:42: Autostart path : /home/<username>/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
** Message: 02:01:51.209: app.vala:76: Launching lxpanel 
** Message: 02:01:51.212: app.vala:76: Launching pcmanfm 
** Message: 02:01:51.215: app.vala:76: Launching xscreensaver 
** Message: 02:01:51.217: options.vala:110: Create Option Clipboard
** Message: 02:01:51.217: options.vala:44: Options - Launch command lxclipboard
** Message: 02:01:51.223: main.vala:443: Check keymap_mode (null)
** Message: 02:01:51.229: app.vala:76: Launching /usr/bin/ssh-agent 
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-XXXXXXeNvssa/agent.784; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
echo Agent pid 793;
** Message: 02:01:51.258: app.vala:130: /usr/bin/ssh-agent exit with this type of exit: 0

** (pcmanfm:778): WARNING **: 02:01:51.324: The directory '~/Templates' doesn't exist, ignoring it

** (lxpanel:776): WARNING **: 02:01:51.326: The directory '~/Templates' doesn't exist, ignoring it
xscreensaver-systemd: 02:01:51: inhibit sleep failed: Maximum number of inhibitors (0) reached, refusing further inhibitors.
xscreensaver: 02:01:51: pid 801: xscreensaver-systemd exited unexpectedly with status 1

(lxpanel:776): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 02:01:51.446: GFileInfo created without standard::edit-name

(lxpanel:776): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 02:01:51.446: file ../glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1743 (g_file_info_get_edit_name): should not be reached

(lxpanel:776): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 02:01:51.446: GFileInfo created without standard::size

(Repeated several hundred times)

Openbox-Message: Unable to find a valid menu file "/usr/share/lxde/openbox/menu.xml"
invoking IsSupported() failed for remote volume monitor with dbus name org.gtk.vfs.UDisks2VolumeMonitor:: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (g-dbus-error-quark, 3)

(pcmanfm:778): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 02:01:52.459: GFileInfo created without standard::edit-name

(pcmanfm:778): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 02:01:52.459: file ../glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1743 (g_file_info_get_edit_name): should not be reached

(pcmanfm:778): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 02:01:52.459: GFileInfo created without standard::size

(Repeated some more)

Obt-Message: Failed to open an Input Method

Note that none of this is out of the ordinary. I have all these messages also for other users and I believe I had them before the update.
Last edited by Moon-Moon on Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 51
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:02 pm

Re: How can I make sure (in the config files) that pcmanfm does not attempt to mount anything

Post by Ziggi »

Hi Moon,

Have you got gvfs installed? More important - have you got udisks2 installed with polkitd

also see https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PCManFM

With Synaptic PM you could mark pcmanfm for reinstallation which should restore config files to standard...?

I have LXDE + Openbox on antiX-22 Full and antiX-23 Base where it handles mounting of camera NX-mini, Pixel GrapheneOS phone, Motorola g6, 1TB External Drive and multi USB pen drives without trouble.

Good Luck
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2024 1:07 am

Re: How can I make sure (in the config files) that pcmanfm does not attempt to mount anything

Post by Moon-Moon »

Hi Ziggi,

thank you.

Yes, I have gvfs 1.52.2-2, udisks2 2.10.1-2, and polkit 124-2.

I do not know Synaptics PM. However, I have never changed the pcmanfm config files manually before this week (when I edited /etc/xdg/pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf in my attempts to prevent it from attempting to mount all the cifs filesystems from the fstab, i.e. after the problem occured). As a result, I would not expect restoring the config files to standard should change anything. In addition, as I explained, LXDE works for other, including newly created users. Further, reinstalling with

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pacman -Sv pcmanfm
does take care of overwriting all the config files, including restoring my changes to the volume section of /etc/xdg/pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf (setting everything to 1 again). This does not solve the issue.

Additional piece of information:

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ps auf
does indeed show

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pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE
as the parent process of the mount.cifs processes.
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2024 1:07 am

Re: How can I make sure (in the config files) that pcmanfm does not attempt to mount anything

Post by Moon-Moon »

It turns out that for my version of LXDE at least,

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needs to be given explicitly in the local pcmanfm config in ~/.config/pcmanfm/LXDE/pcmanfm.conf. It appears that the global config in
/etc/xdg/pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf is ignored even if no local config file exists. It is conceivable that this behavior has changed from the previous version (hence the problem appeared after the update) or possibly even that my local config file somehow got deleted with the update (I did not pay much attention to it before).
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:13 am

Re: [Solved] How can I make sure (in the config files) that pcmanfm does not attempt to mount anything

Post by JamieOhara321 »

If the issue persists, make sure to review any system-wide startup scripts or configurations that might be affecting your user specifically. Files to check include: Pizza Tower
Ensure there are no unintended commands that could trigger automatic mounting.
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Sep 06, 2024 8:09 am

Re: [Solved] How can I make sure (in the config files) that pcmanfm does not attempt to mount anything

Post by OliviaParker »

Sometimes hidden files (starting with a dot) in your home directory can cause issues. Run the following command to check for any pcmanfm or lxsession configurations:
ls -la ~/.config/
ls -la ~/.cache/
You can temporarily move or rename the relevant configuration directories for your user to see if this resolves the issue: Sprunki Game
mv ~/.config/lxsession ~/.config/lxsession.bak
mv ~/.config/pcmanfm ~/.config/pcmanfm.bak
Post Reply