I would like to contribute to translations!

Questions concerning translating LXDE into other languages. If you would like to help with translating, an easy way to start is to help translating wiki pages . Please also join the translation project and translation mailing list..
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I would like to contribute to translations!

Post by FabioSasso »

A few years ago I installed lubuntu to an old friends pc and set the language in French.
I quickly realized that half of the operating system was still in english.
I installed a few mouths late lubuntu on my pc too, and set it to italian. I then realized that there are some things not traslated too.

I'm trying to understand how to contribute, for example in my application menu I see the "printer" setting not translated.
I've found this: https://translate.lxqt-project.org/proj ... inmenu/it/

but these are strings for the menu itself and not it's voices.

Can you please point me to the right place to see why the "printer" setting is not yet translated?

I've underlined also other untranslated strings.

I guess this should be solved on lubuntu side?
Menu_001.png (75.14 KiB) Viewed 18534 times
Rex Bouwense
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Re: I would like to contribute to translations!

Post by Rex Bouwense »

As you probably already know, this forum is not associated with the lxde translation project. I would recommend that you get on their mailing list and ask there. I believe that it is https://sourceforge.net/projects/lxde/lists/lxde-i18n. I am not quite sure of their level of activity but that is where I would start.
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