LXDE goes Supersonic with Quad Boot USB-A at 5GiB per sec test run.

Before going Ballistic with Multi Boot Thunderbolt-4 ports at 40GiB per second.

Rough and ready proof video showing Loc-OS LXDE as default, booting into Tails+Tor before rebooting into Loc-OS then booting into Win-11 Pro briefly then rebooting yet again to show four boot options (or five if you count boot from file)
Quad Boot video https://imgur.com/a/uhhmyen
( Tails+Tor allows you to communicate and view sites as shown anonymously without getting flagged as used by Whistleblowers, Ed Snowden, Wikileaks etc – allegedly )
Next experiment is to play with the two Thunderbolt-4 ports at 40GiB per second which should improve boot up time and responsiveness of external live distros such as Tails+Tor. (Fast at present via USB-A but who knows potential?)

https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en ... olt-4.html
https://www.hp.com/us-en/shop/tech-take ... vity-speed
I can envisage some crazy scenarios from briefly looking at crazy speeds of what you can connect via Thunderbolt Series 4 ports on this particular 2023 16 inch HP 680 G9 i7 EliteBook. I’m looking at anything from a simple Thunderbolt duo microSD card reader to a Thunderbolt Series 4 Hub or Dock. Some hubs have 140W power supply running through such that it’s possible to ‘daisy chain’

I’m afraid my 74 year old brain is overwhelmed by the multitasking capabilities of my newish HP EliteBook via the two USB-A and two Thunderbolt ports not to mention external SSD, HDMI, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Any suggestions would be most welcome.
Best Wishes for the New Year