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Re: Executable Name for CD/DVD Creator?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:16 am
by heboland
Thanks again to the responders!

Regarding your question, vasa1,
Why do you say that gvfsd-burn is not an executable?
It's a fair question and I can't say definitively gvfsd-burn is not an executable. Some applications like nautilus may call that as a library function, but I can't execute gvfsd-burn directly. This is the only match I get for it:

Code: Select all

frank[5002] find / -iname \*gvfsd-burn\* -print 2>/dev/null 
Also I can't be sure that nautilus was installed by default, but I know I didn't select it as a supplemental app during the install. Opensuse considers lxde to be aligned with gnome rather than kde, so installs things like the gnome keyring and brasero.

nautilus is not in any of my menus, but it is in my path. Recently I installed the evince nautilus plugin for reading special PDFs, but that was after the CD/DVD Creator post here started. nautilus was already installed at at that time.

google is ripe with associations of gvfsd-burn with brasero, but not many of them friendly. Also CD/DVD Creator can burn mp3 files and brasero can't, which reduces the likelyhood of gvfsd-burn being associated with brasero in this case.

Maybe it's time to wind this thread down. I've received several good suggestions here that I'm grateful for. I'm kind of the odd man out here with my distro and the topic of this thread seems likely to be distro specific.

I can keep chasing CD/DVD Creator on my own. If I do manage to identify it, I can post that info back here. Heboland.

Re: Executable Name for CD/DVD Creator?

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:31 am
by vasa1
heboland wrote:Thanks again to the responders!

Regarding your question, vasa1,
Why do you say that gvfsd-burn is not an executable?
It's a fair question and I can't say definitively gvfsd-burn is not an executable. ....
On reflection, I think that just because ps lists something doesn't automatically qualify that as an executable so my question probably isn't valid :)

Learning all the time!

Re: Executable Name for CD/DVD Creator?

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:41 pm
by seppalta
With Nautilus installed, the command to launch cd-dvd burner is the following:

Code: Select all

nautilus --no-default-window --no-desktop burn:///

Re: Executable Name for CD/DVD Creator?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:12 pm
by heboland
Thank you seppalta!

You have solved this thread for me!

Besides the CD/DVD Creator I get these complaints in the terminal:

Code: Select all

frank[5006] nautilus --no-default-window --no-desktop burn:///

** (nautilus:1593): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files
On another thread I was told these complaints are the result of not having all the nautilus features installed.

Now that I have the command, I'll try to put it into a menu.

I'll mark this thread solved! Heboland.

Re: Executable Name for CD/DVD Creator?

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:02 pm
by heboland
Hello again list!

I'm replying back to myself and the list to show the mechanism I used to put the CD/DVD Creator into my main "Sound & Video" menu. The following is the contents of cddvdcreator.desktop located in ~/.local/share/applications

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=nautilus --no-default-window --no-desktop burn:///
GenericName=Media Burner
Comment=CD/DVD Burner

Re: Executable Name for CD/DVD Creator?

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:47 am
by lovesale
Somewhere lxde has to have configuration files that control the menus and also the popups that are triggered by mounting empty removable media. In my case only the "automount" popup will have the CD/DVD creator ID.

Re: Executable Name for CD/DVD Creator?

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:51 pm
by Rex Bouwense
Welcome to the lxde forum. If you have a problem or a solution your best bet is to start your own thread since this one was marked as solved by the original poster and will not get much attention. Since we are a small forum that probably means none.