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Battery Information and LCD Dimming

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 11:13 pm
by LiteHacker
Does LXDE have any utilities for batteries or LCD dimming control for laptops? (As of now, I don't see any by default if I use LXDE on Ubuntu.)

Does the iso distribution come with some type of utilities? If so what are they? Otherwise, what utilities would you recommend that work in LXDE?

Thank you,

Re: Battery Information and LCD Dimming

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:54 am
by edward
I have a Lenovo-manufactured IBM ThinkPad T43 running Mandriva Linux and LXDE. Two of the keys on its keyboard will brighten and dim the LCD screen. I would think that such keys would be standard on most (if not all) laptops.

I do not know if there are any battery-related utilities that come with LXDE, but Mandriva had offered a special kernel for laptops (kernel-laptop) with its 2008 distributions which was compiled so that it taxed the laptop battery, less, among other items. This particular kernel was merged into kernel-desktop beginning with its 2009.0 distribution released last month.