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Can't start command line apps on Desktop - 0.9.3

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:36 pm
by bmarkus
Placing the mc.desktop file below in ~/Desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Midnight Commander
it is shown on the Desktop but nothing happens when clicked. Same mc.desktop in /usr/local/share/applications works as expected, shown in the menu and opens mc in a terminal window.

I experience the same behavior with the old PCManFM. How desktop items are processed, what is the mechanism?

related syslog entry:
Apr 7 14:13:49 (none) kernel: gnome-terminal[1202]: segfault at 1 ip b78cadab sp bfeb1a34 error 4 in[b785c000+133000]
Does it mean that somewhere in the execution chain gnome-terminal was executed which doesn't exist in the system and this causing the problem?

It is FCManFM2 0.9.3


Re: Can't start command line apps on Desktop - 0.9.3

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:53 pm
by bmarkus
Looking into the source code it seems to be a gnome-terminal wrapper configuration issue, missing terminal specification in libfm.conf

Is there anybody out using it successfuly?

Re: Can't start command line apps on Desktop - 0.9.3

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:01 pm
by bmarkus
Problem solved using a single line shell script wrapper. However interested in the official way :o

Re: Can't start command line apps on Desktop - 0.9.3

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:33 pm
by antgenn
my solution is to remove line "Terminal=true" and change the line "Exec=mc" to "Exec=lxterminal -e mc" in orig /usr/share/applications/mc.desktop , thus "add to desktop" in Menu and shortcut in Application Launch Bar are working too.