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how to code lxde program

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:59 am
by sevenskies

since lxde use gtk+ library, means it has the same library with xfce and gnome...

so what makes lxde different with xfce, gnome...the programming language or what??
could i use python or another??what about glade??
could i use them??

i've compare some program with lxde with another and lxde run with extremly less memory

thank you very much

Re: how to code lxde program

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:42 am
by Odd-rationale
Yes, LXDE uses GTK+ just like GNOME and XFCE.

AFAIK, what makes LXDE different (and faster!) is that they are mostly written in pure GTK+, rather than using the GNOME or XFCE libraries. Also, pure GTK+ apps tend to have better performance, as they are compiled C code. Where as other GTK+ bindings such as PyGTK, GTK#, etc. tend to be "easier" to code and develop, but lose somewhat on the lightweight side.

Re: how to code lxde program

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:20 pm
by sevenskies
great..back to basic, so use CGTK only to make lxde..

and what about the 'lx' name?
means there is no condition to add lx before software name besides use CGTK??

thank you

Re: how to code lxde program

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:53 pm
by maces
Hi sevenskies

pcmanx once told me that all core components should be written in c/gtk+ but other Programms can be written in python for example. Like GTKnetcat. The LX* in the name connects every application with LXDE. (please correct me if i get something wrong)
