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Video sync is lost when dragging browser page view bar

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:31 pm
by odoncaoa
Greetings All, :|

I've been running lUbuntu 10.04 on a Gateway LT3114u Netbook, and it is awesome! There is but one sufficiently unfortunate system degrade that I thought I might help others be aware. I am not aware of the graphics rendering silicon in the machine, or the video driver controlling it in lubuntu, but I manage to be able to make it loose sync when I drag a browsers (konquerer, firefox, chrome) page view bar (RHS) down a Web page. The problem doesn't exhibit itself immediately. It takes a while of dragging before the display goes to pieces, but it is consistent. On occasion, I am successful in getting the display to be properly rendered again, by moving the mouse down to the desktop panel (LXPanel), and making it pop-up, or selecting a window that is occupying a large amount of area, and moving it around (that was the preferred method when this problem exhibited itself when I was an engineer at DEC). In the event that I can't arrange, proper resync, I might be able to work in one of the applications that I'm fielding, but video quality degrades from there (especially the alphabetic characters in text apps, and window labels, and the like), to the point of a mandated reboot to get a working enviromnent back.

Also, this problem does not seem to exhibit itself, or it takes alot longer, when using a 'mouse click, page progression' method, instead of dragging.


Re: Video sync is lost when dragging browser page view bar

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:16 pm
by maces

Please format your text, it's unreadable that way.


Re: Video sync is lost when dragging browser page view bar

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:21 pm
by Marty Jack
As I responded to your bug report, I am confident the problem is in the video drivers, and there is nothing anyone here controls that would be the cause. Thus there is nothing we can do to help you. You need to take this up with Lubuntu or Xorg.

Re: Video sync is lost when dragging browser page view bar

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:51 pm
by odoncaoa
All right, so be it. I simply figured I'd intro it here as LXDE is closest to user, while talking to the system geek crowd. My hope was that I'd be able to a garner a bit more 'insider info' than otherwise, starting cold.
I'll follow up over there.


P.S. As far as "formatting" is conerned, try actually using a linux system in order to interact with it. Over in *nix land, they don't need to be aware of \012 (^M). Have phun in Windoze land, while trying not to hurt yourself!