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LXPanel & LXTermina ploblems on Slcakware

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:43 pm
by sanji
I've installed latest LXDE from sources on Slackware 12.2.
First there was some problems with starting openbox, but after I added "startlxde" to ~/.xinitrc, problem seems to be solved.
But there are still some problems:

1. On the LXPanel is missing menu icon, and some others. There are also on panel two icons looking like empty white pages, and when i'll click on one of them, LXPanel returns segmentation fault, this same is when I want to add some new ekements to panel. When I start LXPanel from command line, it returns:

Code: Select all

lxpanel: can't load menu plugin
lxpanel: can't load netstat plugin
lxpanel : X error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
lxpanel : X error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)
lxpanel : X error: BadPixmap (invalid Pixmap parameter)
2. Terminal seemse to be working - i can run the window, but I can't write on it. Although when I run it from command line it returns no errors.

Somene knows, how to solve this? Maybe the problem is, that the program is installed in "/usr/local" istead of "/usr"?

Re: LXPanel & LXTermina ploblems on Slcakware

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:29 pm
by archibald haddock
Some bugs seems to be fixed in the new panel version. Could you download the latest version and try it?

Re: LXPanel & LXTermina ploblems on Slcakware

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:58 pm
by sanji
But I've installed lxpanel-0.3.999.
Now replaced its by version from Slacks package, ant it works. I found that, there were some erros during configuring and compilation of lxpanel, but dont know why.
For example (haven't saved all):

Code: Select all seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting
*** No rule to make target all-am'.  Stop.
I wonder if there is some dependencies needed only for this element of LXDE.

LXTerminal returns no errors, but stil don't works.
Now I will search for a solution for lxterminal. After all I can install older version from Slackware package, but I left it as a last resort.

Instaling with prefix "/usr" didn't help - no changes.

I've installed LXTerminal version from package, but that leaves the problem without change. I'll make separate post in "LXDE Components ‹ LXTerminal".