lxpanel menu: "other" category overpopulated

The standard panel of LXDE - http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXPanel
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lxpanel menu: "other" category overpopulated

Post by fratermus »

I've added LXDE to a couple of machines on my network and I'm seeing significant overpopulation in the Other menu category, thusly:

What's odd is that when I run the lx menu editor it shows the Other cat as I would expect:
I would be totally happy if my Other looked like lxmed thinks it does.

I suspect this is what this guy was talking about, and possible the reason folks ask about removing the Other category altogether.

I tried an update-menus. I tried making changes in the editor above.
I tried doing the copy xdg menus to .config/menus and editing them there, per threads here and the xfce wiki on menu changing.
I tried removing the screensaver stanza from the /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu since 99% of the entries in Other seem to be screensavers. Logged out and back in after each change.

I don't understand. It's time for me to stop the car and ask a local citizen for directions... thanks for reading.
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Re: lxpanel menu: "other" category overpopulated

Post by rokytnji »

Not sure what to tell you. My LXDE AntiX core install does the same thing and I did this back when AntiX was at version 8.5. Debian updates would bork lxpanel also. You would loose the menu entirely when placed on top of screen.


I got to the point where I ignored other and the menu entries pretty much and just went with Launching from Taskbar instead.


Above was done by me as a learning experience with a core install (Anti had just came out with a core iso in version 8.5) and I wanted to try a different Window Manager than Fluxbox or Icewm.
It took some tweaking for me to get LXDE in Debian testing to work out OK for me. I ignore the "Other" Menu entry though for more than the double entries. Half of those entries don't even launch
the application that is entered there any ways and I would rather do a end run around then deal with editing everything like you are trying to do.

Merry Christmas and Happy Trails, Rok
Amrel RT 786ex 1.6ghz, 512MB ram , AntiX 8.5 core, Biker Linux user # 475019
Lead,Follow, or get the heck out of the way
My AntiX LXDE Install
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Re: lxpanel menu: "other" category overpopulated

Post by fratermus »

Thanks for the feedback; at least I know I'm not imagining things.

I generally build my own rightclick Openbox menus anyhow so the presenced of a hosed up Other cat in the panel menu isn't a real burden. Trying to educate myself about how lxde works, mostly.

{edited to add: great reading in those URLs, thanks. I've been using openbox+fbpanel+pcmanfm and I wonder if that isn't a better fit for me.}