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lxpanel menu: "other" category overpopulated

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:39 pm
by Paraffine
Those ScreenSaver-related applications such as X-Debian-Screen-Saving-activate_screensaver_(next).desktop are stored in /.local/share/applications/menu-xdg/ from what I can see.

You could remove this icons one-by-one by adding the line


this is a partial solution, I'm looking for a more "clean" solution, e.g. adding an exlusion to the file, or see if I can exlude those categories (e.g. X-Debian-Screen-Saving) from the Others category. The second one is showing no success, cause in order to remove duplicates LibreOffice and Chrome icons from other, the only solution was to fully purge all the
<Include> section from every <Not><Category> line, dunno why.

Re: lxpanel menu: "other" category overpopulated

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:06 pm
by Paraffine
Screensaver files in my Debian+LXDE are stored in /.local/share/applications/menu-xdg, so are the duplicate files that appears on both their categories and others.

Now the only thing left to do is to check if is better to remove those one by one, add “NoDisplay=true” to all of them, or to edit the to exlude them, exluding categories or folder path.

Have a nice day

Re: lxpanel menu: "other" category overpopulated

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:10 pm
by Rex Bouwense
Welcome to the LXDE forum. New thread created because of the age of the older post.

Re: lxpanel menu: "other" category overpopulated

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:24 pm
by Paraffine
In my Debian+LXDE the icons in the Other tab are stored in two folder, one is in your user folder under the path ~/.local/share/applications/menu-xdg, the other is in


Theese icons have weird categories, all starting with X-Debian-* that makes the

Code: Select all

tag in Other menu pretty useless, that's why they cause duplicates and so

now I've edited my (in ~/.config/menus, to affect only my current user) in order to avoid it displaying those icons

Here's how my <Other> Looks like

Code: Select all

	<!-- Other -->
		</Menu> <!-- End Other -->
It's really not a clean way of resolving the issue, but it works, if someone could point out how to exlude the /var/lib/menu-xdg/applications/menu-xdg from the file, or at least how to exlude all the X-Debian-* categories, I think it would be a cleaner way of doing this.
Sadly I'm not good at editing XML, hope someone good will bump here