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binding only super?

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 5:10 am
by jerrimu
Hello all,

I have gotten extremely used to the workflow of win/super key to open main menu.

I am having the damndest time figuring out how to bind the super key alone with lxhotkey, is there a way to do so, or will I have to relearn my habits?

Re: binding only super?

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 10:10 am
by drooly
AFAIK, you need to bind the menu to the release of the key, which, I think, openbox does not do for modifiers.
It is possible to do this with a separate little daemon, e.g. like this:

Code: Select all

xcape -e 'Super_L=Super_L|space'
In this case, openbox has a keybind to show the root menu for Super+Space, and xcape translates a Windows key release to Super+Space.