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Communicate with PCMANFM from a Python3 program

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 11:36 am
by rweo
Is it possible to communicate with a running instance of pcmanfm from a python app ? How could I do that ?

What I would like to do is have my python app File Open function to communicate with pcmanfm as a file picker. Pcmanfm would return a resule, but remain as an open window and a subsequent File Open in my app would again be able to communicate with the already running pcmanfm instance. My app will have more than one file open at a time. And the pcmanfm file structure display is helpful in keeping a perspective on the file structure for the project.

Basically, I want to use pcmanfm as a very nice filepicker but have it remain an open stable window to my project's file structure.

1. I would launch my_app using the 'open with' context menu which works fine as is.
2. Pcmanfm remains open, but can be called by my_app as a file picker