Keybindings for closing applications and maximising window

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Keybindings for closing applications and maximising window

Post by jejuba »

Dear all,

i am new to lxde. I used to run xfce4. Anyway, I have to change the config file to use keyboard shortcuts since, as I understand, there is no GUI to do so. Plus it's more fun I supppose.

I manage to do most my shorcuts. For instance, to start iceweasel:
<!-- Remap Key To Launch iceweasel -->
<keybind key="C-A-w">
<action name="Execute">

However, there are a few I do not know how to do:
- one is to close the window on top. I used to have C-A-x (ctrl + Alt + X). But I don't know what is the command that actually closes the top window. It looks like it's GDM, but I am not sure.
- the other one is to maximise the window on top

any help would be welcome.

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Re: Keybindings for closing applications and maximising wind

Post by vasa1 »

To close the window on top (the active window), press alt+spacebar and then the letter "c".
To maximize the window on top (the active window), press alt+spacebar and then the letter "x".

You don't need to go into rc.xml for that.

(It's possible I've misunderstood what you want because you've mentioned "GDM".)
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Re: Keybindings for closing applications and maximising wind

Post by jejuba »

vasa1 wrote: To maximize the window on top (the active window), press alt+spacebar and then the letter "x".

thanks for the tip. I actually want to rename the shortcut to maximise the window (I found how to close the active window) with ctrl+alt+m

how do I do that?

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Re: Keybindings for closing applications and maximising wind

Post by vasa1 »
