Show Trash on Desktop (Lubuntu 14.04)

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Show Trash on Desktop (Lubuntu 14.04)

Post by LambdaFox »

If you Google, you will see that the trash can has been a bit wonky in Lubuntu. Lubuntu 14.04 fixes several problems found in prior versions. There is still no applet for the panel, but you can show the trash can folder on your desktop.

1. Right click on your desktop and choose Desktop Preferences from the pop-up menu.
2. Click on the Desktop Icons Tab in the Desktop Preferences Window.
3. Tick the box next to Show "Trash Can" folder on the desktop.

The icon for this folder will change if the trash can is empty or full. The particular icons that appear are determined by the icon theme you choose in lxappearance.

Double clicking on this icon will open your trash can in PCManFM. There is no option to empty the trash can if you right click on the desktop icon.

With the trash can open, you can restore a file by right clicking on it.

To empty the trash can, make sure PCManFM's side panel is set to show places (View-Side Panel-Places). Right click on Trash Can in the Side Panel and choose "Empty Trash Can".

Note: If you use Thunar instead of PCManFM the trash can shows up in both views in the side pane.
Last edited by LambdaFox on Sat May 03, 2014 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Linux noobie -Tech Oldie - Migrating from Years w XP + Classic Desktop to Lubuntu 14.04
Rex Bouwense
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Re: Show Trash on Desktop (Lubuntu 14.04)

Post by Rex Bouwense »

People have been griping about the lack of a trash icon since Lubuntu 10.10. That is before Lubuntu was an official Canonical release. That is as far back as I can personally go. So now they finally give us a desktop icon. I for one have learned to live without it. However, thank you for the information. I am sure that there are people out there that will appreciate it. Perhaps we will have additional capabilities for this release as time goes on since it is a LTS release (Lubuntu's very first one.)