Adding copy path to lxqt version

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Adding copy path to lxqt version

Post by abacus7 »

The LXqt version of pcmanfm is no longer supporting the 'copy path' option under the context menu. The LXqt forum had no solution to this and github did not answer.

So I'm asking here in the hopes that there is a workaround. (I'm actually hoping LXDE doesn't go away and neither does the original pcmanfm, but it doesn't look like that's where the future lies.)

I've been using Linux since 2015 and so am not as technically minded as some users, but although I've learned to do a lot of customization of Lubuntu LXDE (thanks to!), I'm not a total idiot. But I still don't know if there is an easy way to get the complete pathname for a file in one easy click without using the original version of pcmanfm. If I'm just lacking in my education, I'm willing to learn new ways of using the eventual Lubuntu LXqt with it's new version of pcmanfm.

A use case is as follows:
In the VM version of LubuntuLXqt, I couldn't get any of the gui-based media players to play a video, so I used the CLI program 'mplayer', typing mplayer in the terminal, following it with the pathname to the video file. That involved clicking first on the LXqt pcmanfm address bar to get the path name, followed by right-clicking on the actual video file to get the file name. With the LXDE version of pcmanfm, one just has to do a single right-click on the file and get the complete path/filename. A lot more convenient!

Thanks in advance for any help.
Rex Bouwense
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Re: Adding copy path to lxqt version

Post by Rex Bouwense »

Did you file a future request at ? The place to ask for a lxqt work around is their forum. However there may be someone here that can provide you with a possible solution.
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Re: Adding copy path to lxqt version

Post by abacus7 »

Folks at the LXqt forum pointed me to GitHub. GitHub closed the issue before I had a chance to add some follow-up comments (due to a family emergency). I probably wasn't going to get a good response anyway since someone had filed the same complaint previously and was told they didn't see a need to add it back in. GitHub actually called the previous complainant something akin to a "Windows-Lover", or some such thing, which makes no sense whatsoever. (Especially ironic since in pcmanfm-lxqt "FileSystems" has been renamed to "Computer", which seems to harken directly to Microsoft Windows' "MyComputer".

At any rate, "copy path" is the single, main reason I use pcmanfm (aside from the fact that LXDE is my favorite DE), and if I decide to go with Lubuntu LXqt and pcmanfm hasn't added copy path back, I'll probably have to start looking at Xfce.

That is, unless somebody can provide a hack. I've learned to use a little Bash, but I suspect a hack will require more than that.

Or again, maybe I just haven't learned to use pcmanfm the way the developer intended. Maybe there's a hidden (to me) way to use the file manager to get the path/file name without the right-click menu.
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Adding copy path to lxqt version

Post by MageBum »

I think you really need to give up on using MQE with this version of a qmgr.

Stick with MQSC.